The Advocate with Glenn Allan
June 2013 – Present | CABLE 14 – Hamilton, ON
The Advocate with Glenn Allan is a television program that airs Friday at 10:00pm and Monday at 8:30pm on CABLE 14 in Hamilton, ON. It can be seen on COGECO channel 814, ROGERS channel 214, and Source Cable channel 714. (
The Advocate is 30-minute community TV show designed to assist individuals suffering/recovering from Abuse, Addiction and Mental Illness, as well as their families, friends and peers.
Hope for Men – Hamilton
July 2005 – Present | 595 Main St. East Hamilton, ON.
Hope for Men – Hamilton, is a weekly Peer Support Group for Adult Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, and Men’s Sexual Assault.Hope for Men, in partnership with Hamilton Men’s Withdrawal Management Centre, meet Monday evenings at 7:30PM, (8:00pm in summer) excluding holidays.It is an open ended group, so any man 18-years of age or older may attend at anytime.
All participants must register via phone 905-975-6455, or by e-mail prior to attending their first group meeting.
Keith is a career military officer with a combined time of over 25 years experience with the Canadian Forces and the US Army. He has considerable practical experience, including a combat tour in Vietnam, peacekeeping and counter-sniper operations in Cyprus, and annual unit and command-level military exercises in North America and Europe.
Keith has taught marksmanship courses at the Canadian Forces Infantry School and at several police forces in Ontario. He was a certified instructor/examiner for the Firearms Safety Education Service of Ontario and he was a Hunter Safety Instructor/Examiner. Keith is an internationally certified shooting coach and has successfully coached teams to national and international excellence. He is currently the Chief Instructor with the MilCun Training Center.Keith is a qualified gunsmith with over 25 years experience, specializing in long-range practical rifles. He has built and regulated rifles used by Canadian police agencies and international competitors around the world. He is an internationally renowned rifle and pistol competitor, having won honors at Bisley, the World Long Range Championships, and at the Commonwealth Games. He has been the Canadian National Champion in pistol, tactical/service rifle, sniper rifle and 3-Gun a total of 18 times. He is a member of the Canadian Forces Sports Hall of Fame and the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association Hall of Fame (in both the target rifle and service rifle categories).
Mr. Crandell has over 36 years experience in Military Intelligence and Security at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels. His experience ranges from undercover drug and criminal investigations, to intelligence collection and collection management, to single and all-source intelligence analysis, to planning and doctrine development, and to project and senior management. He started the reintroduction of human intelligence(HUMINT) capabilities in the CF and was responsible for the improvement in CF HUMINT collection and reporting. He has extensive inter-departmental/inter- agency and international experience. After retirement, he was a member of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group to the Senate Committee on National Security and Defence.
Noteworthy appointments included: Brigade and Command G2/Task Force J2; the OIC of Strategic Imagery Exploitation; Deputy Director of the ISX Major Crown Project; Intelligence Branch Advisor; Director of CF Intelligence Operations (1996-2001), and Acting Director General Intelligence for extended periods (1998-2000). Overseas assignments included: G2 Canadian Contingent UNEF II, Canadian Defence Attaché
(CDA) to the Former Republic of Yugoslavia during the civil war and CDA to Indonesia,Malaysia, Philippines, Brunei, and East Timor post-9/11. In the latter capacity, he focused on terrorist groups operating in SE Asia and force protection for CF assetstransiting SE Asia.
As the VP C4ISR Exploitation Solutions with ING Engineering Inc his experience included consulting, strategic visioning, conceptual and process integration of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) into the exploration, incident management, and security operationsof an multi-national mining company, and the co-development of specialized UAV Mission Commander and Sensor Operator training. Mr Crandell also led the introduction of Bluefin Robotics Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) into the Canadian market.
As the VP Intelligence and Security Programs for PRC, he functions as the de facto Chief Operating Officer as well as the Program Manager for Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) and the subject matter expert for specialized Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism training.
Derek is a former member of the Irish Defence Forces with over 25 Years of experience in Security and Anti-Terrorism strategy. After several years as an independent security consultant, he joined the National Ambulance Service of Ireland where he served for 12 years as a Paramedic Supervisor, all the while working in a part-time capacity in high profile security and risk management positions for various corporate and financial bodies.
In 2010 he founded a representative body for statutory Ambulance personnel and was the Chairman of a position he held for 18 months before he resigned from both the Ambulance Service and NASRA to take up a managerial position with a private security company in Dublin. In 2015 he was asked to join another private security company and spearhead their operations in North America, leaving Ireland behind and relocating his family to Oakville, Ontario, during this time he project managed third party operations for some of North America’s leading sporting and entertainment events and organizations whilst climbing the corporate ladder to Vice-President Operations.
Events and clients such as: 2015 Pan Am games, MLSE, NBA All Star Weekend, World Cup of Hockey, Rogers Cup, NHL Centennial Classic, MLS Cup Final, Grey Cup Final, Toronto International Film Festival, Nuit Blanche, Canada 150 celebrations, BMO Field, Exhibition Place Events, City of Toronto, City of Mississauga.
Recognizing the difference counter-terrorism technology can make in this ever changing World, in October 2018 he joined VWK9 as Director International Operations, VWK9 is a full spectrum K9 company who specialize in Vapor Wake K9’s which is a patented body-worn explosive detection technology. Derek spearheads Canadian and International Operations. For further information visit
– International Association Bomb Technicians and Investigators
– Toronto Chapter ASIS International
– International Association Emergency Managers
Sergeant Paul Caissie has served over thirty years with the Toronto Police Service. A majority of his career has been with the Toronto Police Canine Unit.
Since 1993, he has dedicated himself to the handling and training of Law Enforcement Police canines. He has handled six Police canines during his tenure as a police canine officer and Trainer. Presently, he has a General Patrol Dog, and Narcotic/Firearm Detection Dog which are both operationally deployed in the City of Toronto.
Sergeant Caissie has been networking with many canine agencies throughout North America. He has traveled extensively throughout Canada and the United States sharing intelligence and ensuring the quality and high standards of the training programs are constantly reviewed and maintained.
In 2000 Sergeant Caissie joined Canada’s Operation Pipeline/Convoy Program which is a common sense policing approach to detecting travelling criminals throughout Canada. This successful motivating cost effective program has contributed to the seizure of over 2 billion dollars of contraband. It is recognized as a Best Practice and effective tool to enhance our efforts against organized crime in Canada. Sergeant Caissie is a National Instructor and Senior Facilitator with the program.
In 2009, Sergeant Caissie was assigned the position as the Chief Instructor of the Toronto Police Service Canine Unit. He is responsible for the development, training and quality assurance of the 32 canines and 22 handlers assigned to the Unit.
Dr. Sean P. O’Brien is a registered clinical psychologist who currently maintains a private practice in the Toronto area. The majority of his work involves the provision of clinical and consultation services to police and military organizations throughout North America, including the Toronto and Durham Regional Police Services, the RCMP, Correctional Services Canada, the U.S. Marshals Service, the Canadian Military, and the United Nations.
He has 15 years of experience in dealing with high-profile critical incidents, including police-related shootings, military combat, and terrorism and war-related events. Dr. O’Brien works with various agencies to demystify the posttraumatic stress response and to develop strategies to help police officers and military personnel reduce their risk of developing a post-traumatic Stress Disorder. He is also a use-of-force consultant to a number of government agencies, various police services, and several private security contractors throughout Canada and the United States.
“Stu” retired with thirty-two years of public service with the Toronto Police Service and continues with over thirty years full and part-time, with the Canadian Forces. He is a recognized leader with a proven track record and passion for adventure. The most decorated police officer of the Service, his dossier includes a number of “firsts.” In addition to his professional activities, he continues to serve his community in a number of leadership roles in business and volunteer capacities. A team builder, organizer, problem solver, CTV News commentator, author and teacher, he brings professionalism, objectivity and passion to any field of endeavour. Stu is the CTOA advisor on Terror and Intel gathering related matters.
Toronto Police Service
Performed many and varied functions within the organization including; general and foot patrol, tactical and public order instructor. Compiled a varied investigative expertise with Major Crime, Provincial Weapons Enforcement and Intelligence Units. Selected to investigate several major political incidents. UN Mission in Kosovo: Sept 2000 – June 2001: First Canadian Chief of the Regional Serious Crime Unit – Pristina with 45 national and international investigators operating for the first time, with executive authority under the governance of the United Nations.First international police officer seconded to New York City Police Department for a year following the terrorist attacks of 2001. Embedded with the Joint Regional Intelligence Center/Counter-Terrorism Divisions and Joint Terrorist Task Force. Was the first full-time International Police Operations Co-ordinator for the Toronto Police Service. Responsibilities included recruiting, selecting and training members to deploy on international operations, including liaison to international organizations, the RCMP and supporting the members and their families while deployed.
Canadian Forces
48th Highlanders Cadet 1975-1979 followed by the Primary Reserve. Received Queen’s Commission in 1981. Held numerous positions including: Operations Officer, Officer Commanding Military Police, Battalion Adjutant and Intelligence Officer. Commanded the first National Leadership Course for 32 Canadian Brigade Group Battle School. Was the Military Liaison and Lead Planner for the G20 meeting in Toronto as well as second in Command of LFCA CIMIC Company. Currently a Captain and the Reserve Advisor to the Canadian Army Provost Marshal at Army HQ Ottawa.Mission experience; Second in Command: Op Recuperation. (1998 Ice Storm). Operation Assurance, (Rwanda). Exercise Provost United 1999 (Multi-National training in USA) and 2000 was Officer Commanding of the Canadian Contingent. Operation Enduring Freedom (Iraq) and other classified operations in Africa, Central America, Europe and Middle East including Tactical Support Team Leader – Italy 2006. Completed a tour of duty as Officer Commanding Military Police – Kandahar, Afghanistan. Role included providing leadership and support to Battle Group operations, command of the Detention and Transfer Facility, ANP mentorship program, air and ground security, overseeing the first detainee interrogations as well as assisting in sensitive investigations.
Jim retired in 2008 after 35 years in law enforcement with the Toronto Police Service, holding the rank of Sergeant. Throughout his career, Jim worked in a variety of police functions, including uniform patrol, area foot patrol, criminal investigation branch (detective office, youth bureau, major crime unit), Public Order Unit and Toronto Police College. During his tenure in the youth bureau, Jim specialized as a child sexual abuse investigator. He was the sergeant in charge of the Area Foot Patrol and detective in charge of the Major Crime Unit, both in 32 Division.
A member of the Public Order Unit since its inception in 1988, Jim became an instructor in public order/crowd management techniques. Drawing on his extensive crowd management experience and expertise, he has trained police services and agencies across Canada.
He was the lead Toronto Police instructor delivering incident management training to the Toronto Police Service and, through the emergency management program of the Toronto Office of Emergency Management to various city departments and agencies. He is a provincially certified Basic Emergency Management and IMS 200, instructor. He was a member of the steering committee for the Ontario Incident Management System (IMS 100) program.
He was an instructor at the Toronto Police Charles O. Bick police college, in both the Use of Force and Tactical Training sections and is a provincially certified use of force instructor. He has lectured to community groups on police use of force.
Since 2013 he has been an instructor with International Trauma Life Support (ITLS), teaching this international assessment system for pre-hospital care to first responders, paramedics, students, nurses and doctors.
Jim has, and is currently, traveling across the Nunavut Territory delivering a basic emergency management program to communities. He also delivers Incident Management (IMS) and Emergency Management programs, as well as conducting threat and risk assessments for the public and private sector.
The Advocate with Glenn Allan
June 2013 – Present | CABLE 14 – Hamilton, ON
The Advocate with Glenn Allan is a television program that airs Friday at 10:00pm and Monday at 8:30pm on CABLE 14 in Hamilton, ON. It can be seen on COGECO channel 814, ROGERS channel 214, and Source Cable channel 714. (
The Advocate is 30-minute community TV show designed to assist individuals suffering/recovering from Abuse, Addiction and Mental Illness, as well as their families, friends and peers.
Hope for Men – Hamilton
July 2005 – Present | 595 Main St. East Hamilton, ON.
Hope for Men – Hamilton, is a weekly Peer Support Group for Adult Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, and Men’s Sexual Assault.Hope for Men, in partnership with Hamilton Men’s Withdrawal Management Centre, meet Monday evenings at 7:30PM, (8:00pm in summer) excluding holidays.It is an open ended group, so any man 18-years of age or older may attend at anytime.
All participants must register via phone 905-975-6455, or by e-mail prior to attending their first group meeting.
Edward W. Bogats, Jr. has over 30 years of law enforcement experience along with ten years of executive level experience. During this time he has created and developed state-of-the art programs in Use of Force Management, Critical Incident Response Programs involving active shooters, Critical Incident Response to Terrorism/Suicide Bombers and Anti Terrorism programs that are used internationally.
He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the 222nd Session. He has developed policies and rules and regulations that govern the everyday operation of police and security agencies that he has been in command of. He has over nineteen (19) years of teaching experience in higher education at both the graduate and undergraduate levels within Criminal Justice.
Keith is a career military officer with a combined time of over 25 years experience with the Canadian Forces and the US Army. He has considerable practical experience, including a combat tour in Vietnam, peacekeeping and counter-sniper operations in Cyprus, and annual unit and command-level military exercises in North America and Europe.
Keith has taught marksmanship courses at the Canadian Forces Infantry School and at several police forces in Ontario. He was a certified instructor/examiner for the Firearms Safety Education Service of Ontario and he was a Hunter Safety Instructor/Examiner. Keith is an internationally certified shooting coach and has successfully coached teams to national and international excellence. He is currently the Chief Instructor with the MilCun Training Center.Keith is a qualified gunsmith with over 25 years experience, specializing in long-range practical rifles. He has built and regulated rifles used by Canadian police agencies and international competitors around the world. He is an internationally renowned rifle and pistol competitor, having won honors at Bisley, the World Long Range Championships, and at the Commonwealth Games. He has been the Canadian National Champion in pistol, tactical/service rifle, sniper rifle and 3-Gun a total of 18 times. He is a member of the Canadian Forces Sports Hall of Fame and the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association Hall of Fame (in both the target rifle and service rifle categories).
“Stu” retired with thirty-two years of public service with the Toronto Police Service and continues with over thirty years full and part-time, with the Canadian Forces. He is a recognized leader with a proven track record and passion for adventure. The most decorated police officer of the Service, his dossier includes a number of “firsts.” In addition to his professional activities, he continues to serve his community in a number of leadership roles in business and volunteer capacities. A team builder, organizer, problem solver, CTV News commentator, author and teacher, he brings professionalism, objectivity and passion to any field of endeavour. Stu is the CTOA advisor on Terror and Intel gathering related matters.
Jim retired in 2008 after 35 years in law enforcement with the Toronto Police Service, holding the rank of Sergeant. Throughout his career, Jim worked in a variety of police functions, including uniform patrol, area foot patrol, criminal investigation branch (detective office, youth bureau, major crime unit), Public Order Unit and Toronto Police College. During his tenure in the youth bureau, Jim specialized as a child sexual abuse investigator. He was the sergeant in charge of the Area Foot Patrol and detective in charge of the Major Crime Unit, both in 32 Division.
A member of the Public Order Unit since its inception in 1988, Jim became an instructor in public order/crowd management techniques. Drawing on his extensive crowd management experience and expertise, he has trained police services and agencies across Canada.
He was the lead Toronto Police instructor delivering incident management training to the Toronto Police Service and, through the emergency management program of the Toronto Office of Emergency Management to various city departments and agencies. He is a provincially certified Basic Emergency Management and IMS 200, instructor. He was a member of the steering committee for the Ontario Incident Management System (IMS 100) program.
He was an instructor at the Toronto Police Charles O. Bick police college, in both the Use of Force and Tactical Training sections and is a provincially certified use of force instructor. He has lectured to community groups on police use of force.
Since 2013 he has been an instructor with International Trauma Life Support (ITLS), teaching this international assessment system for pre-hospital care to first responders, paramedics, students, nurses and doctors.
Jim has, and is currently, traveling across the Nunavut Territory delivering a basic emergency management program to communities. He also delivers Incident Management (IMS) and Emergency Management programs, as well as conducting threat and risk assessments for the public and private sector.
Dr. Sean P. O’Brien is a registered clinical psychologist who currently maintains a private practice in the Toronto area. The majority of his work involves the provision of clinical and consultation services to police and military organizations throughout North America, including the Toronto and Durham Regional Police Services, the RCMP, Correctional Services Canada, the U.S. Marshals Service, the Canadian Military, and the United Nations.
He has 15 years of experience in dealing with high-profile critical incidents, including police-related shootings, military combat, and terrorism and war-related events. Dr. O’Brien works with various agencies to demystify the posttraumatic stress response and to develop strategies to help police officers and military personnel reduce their risk of developing a post-traumatic Stress Disorder. He is also a use-of-force consultant to a number of government agencies, various police services, and several private security contractors throughout Canada and the United States.
Sergeant Paul Caissie has served over thirty years with the Toronto Police Service. A majority of his career has been with the Toronto Police Canine Unit.
Since 1993, he has dedicated himself to the handling and training of Law Enforcement Police canines. He has handled six Police canines during his tenure as a police canine officer and Trainer. Presently, he has a General Patrol Dog, and Narcotic/Firearm Detection Dog which are both operationally deployed in the City of Toronto.
Sergeant Caissie has been networking with many canine agencies throughout North America. He has traveled extensively throughout Canada and the United States sharing intelligence and ensuring the quality and high standards of the training programs are constantly reviewed and maintained.
In 2000 Sergeant Caissie joined Canada’s Operation Pipeline/Convoy Program which is a common sense policing approach to detecting travelling criminals throughout Canada. This successful motivating cost effective program has contributed to the seizure of over 2 billion dollars of contraband. It is recognized as a Best Practice and effective tool to enhance our efforts against organized crime in Canada. Sergeant Caissie is a National Instructor and Senior Facilitator with the program.
In 2009, Sergeant Caissie was assigned the position as the Chief Instructor of the Toronto Police Service Canine Unit. He is responsible for the development, training and quality assurance of the 32 canines and 22 handlers assigned to the Unit.
Derek is a former member of the Irish Defence Forces with over 25 Years of experience in Security and Anti-Terrorism strategy. After several years as an independent security consultant, he joined the National Ambulance Service of Ireland where he served for 12 years as a Paramedic Supervisor, all the while working in a part-time capacity in high profile security and risk management positions for various corporate and financial bodies.
In 2010 he founded a representative body for statutory Ambulance personnel and was the Chairman of a position he held for 18 months before he resigned from both the Ambulance Service and NASRA to take up a managerial position with a private security company in Dublin. In 2015 he was asked to join another private security company and spearhead their operations in North America, leaving Ireland behind and relocating his family to Oakville, Ontario, during this time he project managed third party operations for some of North America’s leading sporting and entertainment events and organizations whilst climbing the corporate ladder to Vice-President Operations.
Events and clients such as: 2015 Pan Am games, MLSE, NBA All Star Weekend, World Cup of Hockey, Rogers Cup, NHL Centennial Classic, MLS Cup Final, Grey Cup Final, Toronto International Film Festival, Nuit Blanche, Canada 150 celebrations, BMO Field, Exhibition Place Events, City of Toronto, City of Mississauga.
Recognizing the difference counter-terrorism technology can make in this ever changing World, in October 2018 he joined VWK9 as Director International Operations, VWK9 is a full spectrum K9 company who specialize in Vapor Wake K9’s which is a patented body-worn explosive detection technology. Derek spearheads Canadian and International Operations. For further information visit
– International Association Bomb Technicians and Investigators
– Toronto Chapter ASIS International
– International Association Emergency Managers